lunes, 6 de enero de 2014

One Page Checkout is not a must on these days

We live in a rapidly growing society where we want the things to be as easy and quick as possible. In the earlier years (2002 – 2009),  it was seen that the One Page Checkout process was the most attractive system to get through the checkout online process. The Internet and World Wide Web was not that technologically advanced and the connection was too slow to sustain nicely a multiple page checkout process. The trend was to setup a system where every single detail was incorporated into just one page to get through the checkout process.

Gaining Popularity of Multiple Page Check Out

Today, web pages load faster than they did six years ago. Currently the web speeds standard and the loading time of the web pages have improved a lot. The Experts on the big ecommerce websites are thankful today to the internet speeds, they have created checkout systems which are more like a GPS which guides the customer step by step with the multiple checkout process and it is preferred rather than a One Page Checkout which was in the past a must feature on any other ecommerce site.

The multiple page checkout system is gaining popularity again with each passing day and most of the top 500 Fortune Companies are utilizing the multiple page checkout process in their daily transactions online, also focusing on the conversions through their web pages. The Multiple Page Checkout guides a customer through every step he takes, while making any purchase online or form fills ups for banks or insurance with detailed information. It acts like a GPS guiding a customer through the process, holding his hand so that he won’t have any problem in understanding the points to be filled in. It is always better to have multiple page checkouts than scrolling through the one page cluttered of fields to be filed that often makes it a lengthy and confusing process; multi page GPS step by step checkout process try to avoid customer filling processes a confusing one, making an easy task the checkout process.

The One Page Checkout process has been relegated by the well known multiple page checkout that is even simpler and the online form fill up or web pages are clearly understood and well implemented making the multiple page checkout process potentially lead to more conversions in the form of customers and traffic increase on a website which indirectly leads to more money. For instance, the Online TurboTax which has a multiple forms and fields works as a GPS, leading the customer step by step through all the process. The inquiries are made in plain English and his replies are put on the right tax documents. Then the only thing remains to do is the e-filing or the print of the tax return. It's that trouble-free and effortless. It is always simpler to complete four easier steps than completing one big, cluttered and confusing step.

There is no doubt that the one page check out was a great process in the early years but with the highly developed technologies and fast speed Internet connection, today, the multiple page checkout process have taken the center stage with all the leading high end companies taking up multiple step checkout to control all their transactions in rapid and simple steps. As a whole, to make the customer’s checkout process easier, potentially  including on each of the steps additional cross offers, tips, and features that reinforce trust that  on One Page Checkout could be difficult to do; it is always better to go with the multiple page checkout system.
