domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2013

Millions may have been added to florist establishments profits.

According to some numbers derived from financials informs, interpolations and market share of Wire Service Companies;  the revenue from Wire Service Operations and Transactions were around 550 millions on 2012,  meaning that 15.304 florist establishments did not earn 550 millions.

What happened if  florists could made transactions directly among then, no third party involved?

The answer is easy; 550 millions could be distributed among florist.

Using some statistical techniques that involve Bayesian distribution, Pareto etc we have some interesting results:

On 6120 florist establishments, $9.069 may have been added to their profits results.

On 4590 florist establishments, $24.185 may have been added to their profits results.

On 3060 florist establishments, $54.416 may have been added to their profits results.

On 1530 florist establishments, $145.108 may have been added to their profits results.

For a total of 550 millions distributed among 15.304 florist establishments.


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