jueves, 22 de agosto de 2013

Wake up Florists!

The following are some numbers and graphs that should let us wonder…. What happened?

Some of the big wire services are listed on the stock market, in the same token is mandatory for them to open all their financial information to the public and shareholders.  United who is listed on NASDAQ, is owner of FTD; all the financial information is public.  

In this case some of the charts are  developed from  1800FLOWERS financial information.

Here the trend is positive, which shows an improving revenue year after year.

Revenue from wire services are growing year after year, is a positive trend.

The number of florist establishments is declining year after year, a lot of florist stores are closing each year, and the number of new florist stores is very insignificant.

The florist industry market is doing pretty well, since 2009 the trend has been positive. A lot of money is in this market

Now, some fast facts:

  1. The number of  florist establishment has been declining year after year.
  2. The Floral Industry Market Size has been growing since 2009 after the glitch produced by the recession on 2008.
  3. The revenue of BloomNet wire services has been growing year after year. Meaning that florists are creating more profits and income for wire services such as, BloomNet, FTD, Teleflora.


Why is a decline on the number of florist establishments?

Some people says, that is because florists are getting older and are retiring from business.

Others say that is because florist chains are closing branches to focus on the profitable ones. Another  reason drawn, is that young people do not want to be florist, and this is the reason why the number of new florist shops is so low.

The economists said that the main reason is because being a florist is not very profitable anymore, is better be an Order Gather than a florist, also they say that Wire Services are making more and more money thanks to the work of florists; Meanwhile, florists are not making all the money that is supposed to make.

Many florist shops are closing due to lack of profits which in the long turn lead to bankrupt.

Some say that the real reason is a mix of all the aforementioned reasons.

If there is more money in the market, why more florist establishments are closing?

How the Wire Services Companies are making more and more money each year from florists?

How  the Wire Services Companies  are making more money with less and less florist establishments?


1*    1800FLOWERS.COM, INC. Annual report, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.
2*    1800FLOWERS.COM, INC. Annual report, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.
3*   County Business Patterns, Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Released 2013.
4*   US Bureau of Economic Analysis, personal consumption Expenditures by Type of Product, January 31, 2013 Revision 


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